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  • Advocacy:
    • CRS has an up-to-date campaign on Global Hunger and advocacy at their ACTION CENTER.
    • If you want to write your own email, find your members of Congress. Type your address in the box. The first three are your federal legislators. Those are the ones to write to.
    • Then click on their websites and navigate to the spot on their site where you can write an email (usually under the Contact tab). Compose your email, using your own words but including CRS’s recommendation.
      • Supplies for the Advocacy table. We have tried several forms of social media and advocacy.
        • The most basic is a poster board that asks if you learned from and now understand some of the causes of global hunger and how communities are working to rise out of this condition. We provide an inkpad for thumbprints or Sharpies for participants to sign their name.
        • We have computers for participants to email Members of Congress. This takes longer to do. If you are expecting a large number, you could hand out a sheet of how to do the advocacy at home.
    • Here’s how Cabrini students and CRS Ambassadors set up the Advocacy table.

Erica’s script:

Hi my name is Erica. I hope you learned a lot from the simulation. According to the CRS Website approximately 800 million people worldwide face hunger on a daily basis. We need to change that statistic. One way we can do that is by advocating. Advocating is one of the ways you can help. You might think that advocating does little to nothing, right? Well, wrong. The fact that US government aid programs  such as Feed the Future exist in the first place shows that advocacy DOES work. You might ask yourself, how can I get involved. You can write to your senators. Volunteer at different organizations and donate. Today you’ll be signing your name on this post card that will be sent to both PA senators in Washington DC. . You will also be giving your thumb print and signing your name above it to show that you feel as though you have a better understanding of world hunger. Thanks so much for doing this!

Advocacy table

Here students initiate discussion and answer questions.